How to Write a Great Sales Follow-Up Email (+Templates)

Aug 18, 2024
Santiago Suarez Ordonez
Table of Contents

The secret to successful B2B sales often lies in the follow-up email, but many account executives struggle with crafting messages that capture attention and drive action.

In this guide, we’ll give you some easy tips and templates to help you write follow-up emails that get responses. We’ll also show you how you can automate the entire process using our tool.

Importance of Sales Follow-Up Emails

Think back to a time when you had a great sales call. You felt a real connection, the prospect was interested, and you were sure they’d be reaching out any day. But then, silence. What happened?

The truth is that most prospects won’t buy your product right away. 

Have you heard of the 95:5 ratio in B2B marketing? Only about 5% of buyers are actively seeking a product or service and are willing to engage in conversations with vendors.

The rest?

Well, it’s complicated. 

Some aren’t actively looking yet, some might be facing budget issues, and others might just have more pressing things on their plate.

That’s why follow-up emails are so important. Whether it’s after a call or an inbound inquiry, following up is what keeps the deal alive. Here’s why:

  • Deals Need Follow-Ups: Research shows that 80% of sales require at least five follow-up contacts after the initial meeting, but nearly half of salespeople give up after just one try.
  • Keep Prospects Engaged: In B2B SaaS, sales cycles can drag on. Regular follow-ups remind your prospects of why they showed interest in the first place and keep your solution fresh in their minds.
  • Show You Care: Sending follow-up emails shows you’re serious about helping your prospects and that you value their business. This builds trust and makes them more likely to choose you when they’re ready to buy.

Even if buyers aren’t ready to purchase right away, it doesn’t mean they’re uninterested. Follow-up emails help you stay connected, nurture these relationships, and ensure you’re top-of-mind when they’re ready to decide.

Fundamentals of Sales Follow-Up Emails

A good follow-up email should have four key elements:

  • Personalized Greeting: Starting with “Hi there!” can be a dead giveaway that you didn’t bother to look up your prospect’s name or that you’re sending a mass email. Always begin by addressing the recipient by name to make it personal.

  • Clear Purpose: Be direct about why you’re reaching out. Are you following up after sending a proposal? Say so. Checking in after not getting a response? Make that clear right from the start.

  • Value Proposition: Remind your prospects of the benefits of your product or service. Highlight how it solves their specific problems or meets their needs, keeping the focus on what’s in it for them.

  • Call to Action (CTA): Include a clear and concise call to action. Whether you want them to schedule a demo or simply reply to your email, guide them on what to do next.

Now, let's explore the specific emails you can send when following up after various interactions with a prospect.

What Information to Include in Different Types of Follow-Ups

  1. Follow-up Email After a Sales Call

After a successful sales call, it's crucial to keep the momentum going. Send a follow-up email to recap key points from the conversation, address any questions that came up, and outline the next steps.


Subject: Follow-Up on Our Discussion

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I have to say I really enjoyed our chat today and learning more about [Prospect’s Company].

It sounds like [Your Product/Service] could help with [Specific Challenge].

Here’s a quick summary of what we talked about:

- [Key Point 1]

- [Key Point 2]

- [Key Point 3]

Next up, we’re planning to [Next Step]. I've attached [Resource/Document] for your reference.

Excited to speak again on [Date/Time].


[Your Name]

  1. As Part of an Outbound Sales Sequence

If you’re contacting potential prospects as part of your outbound efforts, you should aim to spark curiosity and generate interest.

Here’s what to include in your message:

  • Personal connection: Reference any mutual connections or relevant industry insights.
  • Pain points: Highlight common challenges in their industry and how your solution addresses them.
  • Success stories: Briefly mention a case study or success story.


Subject: The Secret to Solving [Industry] Problems Faster

Hi [Prospect’s Name], 

I’ve been working with companies in [Industry] like [Prospect’s Company], helping them tackle [Pain Point]. 

For instance, we helped [Similar Company] achieve [Result] using [Your Solution].

I’d love to discuss how we can do the same for you. 

Do you have time for a quick call this week?


[Your Name]

  1. After a Prospect Fills Out an Inbound Lead Form

When a prospect fills out an inbound lead form, they're already interested. Your follow-up should acknowledge their interest and provide the information they requested. You can also ask if they are available for a quick call.


Subject: You Asked, We Delivered—Here’s Your Info

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

Thanks for reaching out about [Your Product/Service]. I’m excited to help you with [Specific Need]. 

Here’s the [Guide/E-book/Report] you requested.

I’d love to discuss how we can meet your specific requirements. Are you free for a quick call this week?


[Your Name]

  1. After Sending a Proposal

You've sent a proposal, thinking it was the final step in securing the deal, but then you hear nothing. Send a follow-up email to address any questions the prospect might have and keep the deal moving forward.


Subject: Proposal for [Prospect’s Company]

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I hope you received the proposal I sent on [Date]. I wanted to follow up and see if you have any questions about how [Your Product/Service] can help [Prospect’s Company] achieve [Goal]. 

To recap, the proposal includes:

- [Key Point 1]

- [Key Point 2]

- [Key Point 3]

Please feel free to reach out if you’d like to discuss this further. I’m here to help!


[Your Name]

  1. After a Trade Show or Event

After meeting prospects at a trade show or event, follow up while the experience is still fresh in their mind.

What to include:

  • Personal connection: Mention the event and any memorable conversations.
  • Value proposition: Reinforce how your solution fits their needs.
  • Next steps: Suggest a meeting or demo to show your product.


Subject: Great Meeting You at [Event Name]

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

It was a pleasure meeting you at [Event Name] last week.

I enjoyed our conversation about [Topic] and wanted to follow up on how [Your Product/Service] could assist [Prospect’s Company] with [Challenge].

I’d love to continue our discussion and explore next steps. Are you available for a call this week?


[Your Name]

  1. After No Response

When you haven’t heard back from a prospect, a gentle nudge can help re-engage them.

What to include:

  • Friendly reminder: Reference your last interaction or email.
  • Value reinforcement: Restate the benefits of your solution.
  • Prompt for response: Encourage them to get back in touch.


Subject: [Prospect’s Name], Don’t Let This Opportunity Slip By

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I wanted to touch base on my previous message about [Your Product] and how it can assist [Prospect’s Company] with [Challenge].

Please let me know if you’re still interested or have any questions. I’m here to help!


[Your Name]

  1. After Sending Several Follow-Up Emails

If you’ve exhausted all your attempts to re-engage your prospect, it might be time for a final effort before moving on.

Start the email by acknowledging previous attempts to connect, followed by the final offer.

💡Pro Tip: Keep the door open for future communications. While not all prospects are ready to make a buying decision right now, they may be interested in the future.


Subject: [Prospect’s Name], Last Chance to Connect

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I’ve reached out a few times to discuss how [Prospect’s Company] could benefit [Your Company].

I understand that the timing might not be ideal right now. If you’re still interested, I’d love to chat. Otherwise, I’ll touch base in a few months to see if things have changed.

Thanks for considering us!


[Your Name]

Timing and Frequency of Sales Follow-Up Emails

Timing is important when sending follow-up emails. First, you shouldn’t delay your follow-up. As soon as the event or trigger occurs, try to follow up within 24 hours to stay top of mind.

When it comes to frequency, you’ll need to experiment to see what works best for your business. As a general rule, aim to follow up 3 to 5 times over the course of two weeks after the initial contact.

What Not to Do in Sales Follow-Ups

Having covered the best practices, let’s go over the sales follow-up mistakes you should avoid:

  • Bombarding Your Prospects: Sending 10 follow-up emails in a single week? That’s borderline harassment. Too many emails in a short period can be annoying and lead to disengagement. Try to space them out to avoid overwhelming your prospects.

  • Overloading With Information: Providing too much detail at once won’t work. Keep your emails concise and use only one call to action (CTA).

  • Ignoring Previous Interactions: Did you get a response at some point in the past? Reference past conversations to demonstrate attentiveness and build on previous discussions, rather than starting each email from scratch.

How to Speed Up Writing Sales Follow-Up Emails

If you're looking for a more efficient way to automate your sales, including follow-up emails, you need a tool like Momentum.

Momentum is designed to take the stress out of follow-ups by automatically generating personalized emails based on your interactions with prospects.

Say you've just wrapped up a call with a prospect. You sit down to type up your notes and draft a quick follow-up email, but you're already panicking because your next sales call is in 15 minutes.

With Momentum, there's no need to write call summaries or notes, manually draft emails, or hunt for contact details after your call. Momentum generates an AI-powered follow-up email for you based on the key topics discussed during your conversation. It even auto-populates the attendees' emails and opens directly in Gmail—making it easy to review and send with just a click.

Using Momentum, you no longer need to worry about missing a follow-up or spending hours crafting the perfect email. Momentum keeps your sales process efficient, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—building relationships and closing deals.

Automate Your Sales Follow-Up Emails with Momentum

If sales follow-ups are consuming too much of your time, it's time to put this task on autopilot.

Schedule a call with our team to get started.