7 Stages Of Sales Pipeline Management (+Metrics to Track)

Sep 4, 2024
Ashley Wilson
Table of Contents

Feel like your sales process could use more structure? You're not alone.

Many businesses experience unpredictable sales results, with no clear reason why deals fall through.

Effective sales pipeline management can change that. It helps you track key metrics—like lead volume, qualification rates, and progression—so you can close more deals. It can also pinpoint areas for improvement and provide insights for growth planning.

In this article, you’ll learn what a sales pipeline is and the seven critical stages your business should follow to close more deals faster.

What is a Sales Pipeline?

Think of a sales pipeline as a visual snapshot of your entire sales process. It shows precisely where each prospect is on their journey from lead to customer.

With this clear picture, you can see how many deals you have in progress, where they might be stalling, and what you need to do to push them forward.

Why Sales Pipeline Management is Important

Proper sales management makes all the difference. It ensures that you're always focused on the most promising opportunities. Managing your sales pipeline should be your top priority to increase sales efficiency.

1. Improves Revenue Forecasting

Every company wants to be able to predict their revenue to some extent. However, fewer than 50% of sales leaders and sellers have high confidence in the accuracy of their sales forecasts. Worse, many rely on intuition.

Forecasting becomes easier when your pipeline is well-managed. When you, as a sales leader along with your team, consistently stress-test your sales pipeline with rigor and by analyzing the data, your forecasts become much more accurate.

After all, you want your pipeline filled with opportunities with a high propensity to convert. That’s precisely where sales pipeline management is helpful.

2. Shortens the Sales Cycles, Increases Wins

Managing your sales pipeline can also dramatically shorten your sales cycle. As you’ve probably noticed from your own experience, B2B sales cycles are getting longer and harder.

Venture capitalist Tomasz Tunguz analyzed data from the 2023 GTM Survey and uncovered an interesting trend: Between early 2022 and 2023, the average sales cycle for startups increased by 24%, extending from 65 to 75 days. The increase was even more significant for B2B startups targeting enterprise customers, with the sales cycle lengthening by 36%.

With sales cycles extending further and further, better management of your pipeline can be critical to shorter deal timelines. According to Gartner, some of the most effective strategies to shorten the B2B sales cycle revolve around key pipeline management activities such as:

  • Identifying and targeting the right leads
  • Streamlining the lead qualification process
  • Mastering nurturing and follow-up communications.

Bottom line: Good pipeline management helps your sales team stay on top of where prospects are in the buying process, and it gives you the tools to move them through the funnel faster. And who doesn’t want to close deals quicker, right?

3. Enhances Your Sales Team’s Productivity

Finally, your pipeline is a key source of insights for your team. It can help them prioritize their work and close more deals when used effectively.

A study by McKinsey & Company found that two-thirds of high-performing companies—those that grow faster than their industry average—rely on sales analytics to spot opportunities at the deal and account level, driving revenue growth.

Sales teams with a robust and structured process know how to make the most of the insights from their CRM system and sales pipeline. They rely on more than just predictions. Instead, they use data-driven tools to guide their decisions. These tools help them determine what to offer, how to approach each lead, and the best channel for engagement.

In short, by knowing how to interpret the insights from the sales pipeline, your team can spend less time chasing dead ends and more time closing deals.

7 Sales Pipeline Stages (+Key Metrics to Track)

The sales pipeline consists of several important stages. Here’s what they are, along with the most important sales pipeline metrics you should track at each stage:

1. Lead Generation

A prospect's journey with your business likely starts earlier, but lead generation is the first official stage of the sales cycle. Lead generation involves attracting potential customers into your pipeline through different channels like inbound marketing, cold outreach, and networking events. While lead volume is important, focusing on their quality is always best.

📊 Key Metrics to Track:

  • Website traffic
  • Attribution
  • Cost per lead.

2. Lead Qualification

Not all leads will be a good fit for your business or product; that’s why you need to qualify them properly.

Lead qualification helps you separate the wheat from the chaff by evaluating leads based on criteria like budget, authority, need, and timeline (BANT).

Use CRM tools to score leads based on these factors, ensuring your team focuses on those with the highest potential to convert. Engaging leads through a discovery call is an effective way to assess further their fit and readiness to buy.

📊 Key Metrics to Track:

  • Lead qualification rate
  • Lead source
  • Lead velocity.

3. Demo, Meeting, or a Call

This stage is your first real interaction with the lead, and it’s crucial for setting the tone for the rest of the sales process. During a demo or meeting, your goal is to build rapport, understand your lead’s needs better, and address any objections they may have.

To prepare for the interaction, research your prospect’s business challenges and tailor your sales presentation to show how your solution can address their unique pain points.

📊 Key Metrics to Track:

  • Sales meeting conversion rate
  • Follow-up meeting rate
  • Post-meeting survey results.

4. Proposal/Quote

At this stage, you present a tailored solution to your prospect. Outline the solution, clearly demonstrating how it addresses your lead’s pain points.

Don’t forget to communicate the ROI and state your competitive advantage. At this point, your lead might be evaluating multiple proposals—make yours stand out.

📊 Key Metrics to Track:

  • Proposal acceptance rate
  • Win rate by proposal type
  • Contract value.

5. Negotiation

Negotiation is where deals can either be sealed or fall apart. In this stage, both parties work out the details such as pricing, terms, and deliverables.

Stay flexible yet firm on the value of your offering. Your goal is to deliver value to your client while ensuring healthy profit margins.

📊 Key Metrics to Track:

  • Negotiation-win rate
  • Time spent in negotiation.

6. Closing

At this point, you’ve likely been working on the deal for weeks, if not months, and the deal is almost done. Closing involves finalizing the agreement and securing the commitment from the customer.

During this stage, you should address any last-minute concerns and ensure all contractual paperwork is signed. We also advise implementing a structured closing process with a checklist to prevent errors or omissions.

📊 Key Metrics to Track:

  • Close rate
  • Average sales cycle length.

7. Post-Sale Follow-Up

The sale doesn’t end when the deal is closed. Post-sale follow-up is crucial for ensuring customer satisfaction and identifying opportunities for upselling or referrals.

In this stage, you should reach out to see if your new customer has any questions and introduce them to other team members, such as the onboarding, customer success, and support teams. This stage helps you build long-term relationships and turn customers into loyal advocates.

📊 Key Metrics to Track:

  • Customer retention rate
  • Upsell/cross-sell rate
  • Referral rate.

FAQs About Sales Pipeline Management

How can sales leaders effectively manage each stage of the sales pipeline?

Start by mapping out each stage of your pipeline so it’s clear where every lead stands and what criteria they need to match to reach the next stage. Use a CRM to keep track of progress and set up reminders for follow-ups. Regularly check in to see where things are slowing down, and help your team stay on track by offering guidance based on what you see.

What are the common mistakes to avoid in sales pipeline management?

A few big mistakes to avoid: not properly qualifying leads, letting deals sit too long, and forgetting to follow up. Make sure you’re only moving forward with solid leads, keep an eye on any deals that stall, and always follow up to keep things moving. One key is to close out any leads that have stalled after you’ve attempted to get things started back up. You can always open it back up again, but closing out those leads keeps your pipeline clean and easier to manage.

How does sales pipeline management impact revenue growth?

Managing your pipeline puts more structure around your sales process, especially when you have a team of individual sales reps who could do things differently. Putting a concerted focus on your pipeline allows you to analyze each stage to find inefficiencies and make optimizations. When each stage is optimized, you turn more leads into customers faster, which naturally boosts your revenue and helps your business grow steadily.

Manage Your Sales Pipeline Better with Momentum

Your sales pipeline is the lifeblood of your business. For this reason, you need the best tools to manage it!

Momentum AI is a powerful tool designed to make your sales process smoother and more efficient. It automates those pesky tasks—like summarizing calls and syncing CRM data in real time—so your team can focus on closing deals.

Momentum also makes your sales motions smoother by triggering workflows automatically and sharing customer insights right away.

By improving data accuracy and keeping your CRM up-to-date, Momentum makes your sales data more actionable and your sales pipeline more efficient.

Ready to see how it can transform your pipeline? Schedule a call with our team today!