How to Speed Up Sales Onboarding Using Account Rooms

Sep 9, 2024
Ashley Wilson
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How to Speed Up Sales Onboarding Using Account Rooms

Every sales manager knows that onboarding new reps is never fast enough, especially when they need to take over existing accounts.

The longer it takes for reps to get up to speed, the more potential revenue is left on the table.

The solution? Account rooms can speed things up by organizing deal information in one place, so your reps don’t waste time digging through messy spreadsheets, old emails, and CRM data to get themselves up to speed.

Curious about what they are and how they can help onboard your reps? We’ve got you covered.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • The biggest challenges in sales onboarding
  • How account rooms accelerate rep onboarding and improve efficiency
  • How to use Momentum’s Deal + Account Rooms for a smooth rep transition into their new role.

😰 Challenges in Sales Onboarding

For 21% of sales leaders, onboarding new hires is among their top three challenges. And it’s easy to see why.

Getting new sales reps up to speed—especially when they’re inheriting existing accounts—can be an uphill battle.


Because you don’t just have to get them up to speed with product knowledge or your unique sales techniques, you need to immerse reps in your company’s specific sales ecosystem, which is often far more complex.

For sales leaders, the challenge lies in balancing speed with thoroughness.

Reps need to learn fast, but they also need to retain valuable information about client relationships, internal systems, and sales strategy. Rushing the process can lead to knowledge gaps while dragging it out can result in delayed revenue and frustrated clients. 

On average, it takes 4.9 months to onboard a sales rep fully. That’s a long time. During this process, there are several other obstacles that many reps and sales leaders themselves encounter, such as:

  • Lack of centralized account information — Reps waste time gathering client details from different sources.
  • Disorganized handoffs — Transitioning existing accounts is chaotic without a straightforward process.
  • High administrative burden — New reps are overwhelmed with paperwork and non-sales tasks.
  • Measuring ramp-up success — Sales leaders struggle to track progress and ensure reps are on target for performance.
  • Maintaining customer relationships — Sales leaders must ensure smooth account transitions to avoid client dissatisfaction.

So, what can you do about it? One solution is account rooms.

What Are Account Rooms?

An account room is a shared digital space where all deal-related information is stored and managed. Think of it as a central hub that sales reps can access for everything they need to know about a specific client or deal. From account histories and communication logs to key documents and tasks, account rooms organize everything in one place.

🚀 How Account Rooms Improve Sales Team Onboarding

Account rooms provide a practical solution to many challenges that typically slow the onboarding process.

Transferring all the relevant knowledge and context can be tricky when a sales rep leaves and a new one steps in. How do you ensure the new rep has everything they need to pick up where the previous one left off?

In the B2B world, sales cycles can be long and complex, often requiring multiple touchpoints with leads. There’s a wealth of information that new reps need to access quickly, gathered from different interactions and sources.

Account rooms centralize this information, making it easy for the new rep to get up to speed and start engaging efficiently.

Here are a few other reasons why account rooms can be beneficial in sales onboarding:

Smoother Handoffs

When reps take over existing accounts, account rooms make transitioning responsibilities easy. All relevant information is consolidated in one place, reducing misunderstandings and minimizing mistakes.

Faster Time to Productivity

B2B sales representatives are often expected to engage with buyers within just 14-18 days of starting their new role. This short timeline leaves limited opportunity to fully ramp up and gain a comprehensive understanding of the product or service they’ll be selling.

It takes time for new reps to familiarize themselves with account details and their current status. In addition, they usually need to review previous sales calls, learn how to address common objections, and potentially shadow more experienced team members. All of these steps require significant effort.

One key benefit of account rooms is that they centralize all customer information, streamlining access and helping new reps get up to speed more efficiently.

With quicker access to customer data and a more organized onboarding process, reps can reach full productivity faster. This leads to less time spent ramping up and more time focused on selling. The most effective sales onboarding programs help new reps become productive 3.4 months sooner—37% faster than companies with low-performing programs.

Improved Team Collaboration

Account rooms improve team collaboration by giving everyone access to the same data. During onboarding, if sales reps have questions, account rooms make it easy to ask for help since all your key internal stakeholders are already looped in.

Real-Time Updates

Lastly, account rooms provide real-time visibility into account activity. Reps can stay on top of client interactions, tasks, and next steps without missing crucial details. Managers also benefit from this, as they can track onboarding progress and ensure the right actions are being taken.

How to Use Momentum’s Deal + Account Rooms to Improve Reps' Onboarding Experience

Momentum takes the concept of account rooms to the next level by combining it with deal rooms, providing an even more powerful tool for onboarding sales reps.

With Momentum’s Deal Rooms and Account Rooms in Slack, the onboarding process becomes more structured and efficient, creating visibility into all deal activities so your sales reps can get up to speed faster.

Here’s how you can leverage Momentum’s Deal + Account Rooms to enhance your reps’ onboarding experience:

  • Complete visibility into deals and accounts — Reps can view every stage of a deal’s lifecycle, from initial outreach to contract negotiation, all in one place. This helps them quickly understand account status without chasing down scattered information.
  • Seamless collaboration across teams — Momentum integrates directly into Slack, enabling real-time collaboration. This feature ensures that reps, managers, and other departments stay connected, share updates, and work together on deals seamlessly. This level of teamwork significantly improves the onboarding experience.
  • Automated workflows for faster onboarding — Sales leaders can use Momentum’s Deal Rooms to set up automated workflows that guide new reps through the onboarding process. They can automatically assign reminders, tasks, and next steps to help hires stay on track.

But there’s more!

Momentum can also help you coach your sales reps. Our platform offers real-time coaching insights through AI, identifying key moments from actual sales calls and interactions that can be used to improve rep performance.

With the “Ask Momentum” feature, you can build custom call frameworks based on past interactions, making training new reps using real, relevant data easy. This helps reinforce sales methodologies and best practices and makes coaching scalable.

Your ultimate goal is to create a standardized sales process by ensuring new and existing reps apply the sales playbooks and best practices they’ve been trained on. The faster they’re up to speed, the better they can become at closing deals.

FAQs About Sales Reps’ Onboarding

Can account rooms work with any CRM platform?

Yes, most account rooms are designed to integrate seamlessly with major platforms like Salesforce. For instance, with our tool, Momentum, you can easily add an account room link to your Salesforce account in just a few simple steps.

How do account rooms improve communication between sales managers and new reps?

Account rooms streamline communication by centralizing all account-related data and interactions in one place. Managers can leave notes, assign tasks, and monitor progress in real-time, ensuring that reps are always up to date and can quickly address any questions or concerns.

Can other departments use account rooms, too?

Yes! Account rooms aren’t just for sales teams. They make collaborating on the same accounts easy for other departments—like customer success, marketing, support, or finance.

What’s the ideal duration for a sales rep onboarding process?

It varies by company, but most experts recommend 30-90 days. Reps should be given enough time to grasp product knowledge, CRM and other sales software usage, and sales tactics.

What are the best ways to reduce rep ramp-up time during onboarding?

Providing structured, hands-on training, using actual account data, and incorporating shadowing/mentorship programs can accelerate ramp-up. Additionally, leveraging tools like Momentum to centralize deal information helps new reps get up to speed faster.


Onboarding doesn’t have to be a time-consuming process that slows down your team. With account rooms, you can simplify handoffs, centralize data, and quickly get your reps up to speed. Momentum’s Deal + Account Rooms in Slack are designed to help you do just that.

If you’re ready to improve your sales reps’ onboarding process, give Momentum a try today.